United Way’s Jr. Day of Caring engages Lakeshore Middle School students


As part of Greater Ottawa County’s Jr. Day of Caring, nearly 500 eighth grade students from Lakeshore Middle School volunteered at more than 25 local nonprofit organizations and parks on Friday, May 5. Students tackled projects such as landscaping, park clean up, providing middle school tours to incoming students and connecting with local senior citizens.


Students can continue to volunteer through United Way after middle school with the Students LIVE UNITED program during high school. Students who join the program track their volunteer hours, build leadership skills and have the opportunity to earn awards from United Way and the Governor of Michigan. To learn more, visit: www.ottawaunitedway.org/students-live-united.


Support for a portion of the Junior Day of Caring student transportation was provided by GrantStation.


To learn more about volunteering in our community, visit www.ottawaunitedway.org and click on the “Volunteer” button, or call (616) 396-7811.