White Pines sixth graders give back during United Way’s Junior Day of Caring

From April 18-28, more than 450 students from White Pines Middle School removed garbage and invasive species at local parks during Greater Ottawa County United Way's sixth annual Junior Day of Caring. United Way's VP of Volunteer Engagement Shannon LaHaie said, "I am always inspired by the energy and engagement of the students who volunteer as part of Junior Day of Caring. They are eager to be a part of their community and to make a positive difference. I am also proud of the strong partnership United Way has developed with Grand Haven Area Public Schools and the Ottawa County Parks system in providing this service opportunity for the students."

On Friday, May 5, groups of middle school students from Lakeshore Middle School will volunteer at more than 25 local nonprofit organizations and parks as part of their Jr. Day of Caring. They will help out with tasks such as spring cleaning and landscaping, giving middle school tours and spending time with the elderly.

Support for the Junior Day of Caring student transportation was provided by a grant from the Friends of Ottawa County Parks.

To learn more about volunteering in our community, visit www.ottawaunitedway.org and click on the “Volunteer” button, or call (616) 396-7811.